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Sports Field for Rockland Apartments

SportsGrass - multipurpose field

In college towns, how do you make college students want to live in your apartment complex? Give them a sports playfield within the complex!

Multipurpose Field

Our sister dealership, ForeverLawn Kansas City, was approached by the ForeverLawn Central Georgia office to help them create a fenced in multipurpose field with a shaded area at an apartment complex in Lawrence, KS. Their customer, an investment group, had purchased the Rockland Apartment complex, which had an empty field perfect for this purpose.

ForeverLawn North Central Georgia had assisted their customer with a similar project at the University of Georgia in Athens. However, being out-of-town, they wanted to partner with someone local who could coordinate all of the details.

ForeverLawn Kansas City did the base prep,leveling of the site, added the stone base and perimeter board so that the Georgia office could install the synthetic turf. Then, another local company, ABcreative, added removable soccer goals to the field and created a seating area next to it with shaded canopies, picnic tables and four benches.

ForeverLawn SportsGrass used in this install:

  • SportsGrass Edge XP (green turf)

  • SportsGrass Arena (tan turf)

Ready to talk? Make an appointment with a ForeverLawn Des Moines consultant today for a free consultation and estimate.

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